Des Moines 2035: Charting Our Course for a Sustainable Future
The Des Moines Comprehensive Plan serves as a roadmap that expresses our community's goals and aspirations for how we want to grow and prosper into the future. It is the City's official policy guide that defines-through goals, policies and implementation strategies-how Des Moines should best accommodate forecasted household and job growth, manage traffic, and provide open space and recreational opportunities and other vital services. The plan is "comprehensive" in both scope and coverage. It addresses the use of land and buildings, the movement of traffic and pedestrians, the provision of parks, schools, and public facilities, and protection of the environment. It also addresses residential neighborhoods, commercial areas, public and institutional lands, and public rights-of-way. The plan also provides a guide for public investments and capital improvements, and can help to ensure that local public dollars are spent wisely. Finally, the comprehensive plan can serve as a marketing tool to promote Des Moines's unique assets, and help to attract new families, businesses, investment and development to the community.
The City of Des Moines updates its Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) governed by RCW 36.70A. The City is currently in the process of completing the next periodic review of the comprehensive plan. Please see the project website at imaginedesmoines2044.
Annual amendments of the Comprehensive Plan are docketed between January 1st and June 30th of each calendar year and include any citizen requested amendments for consideration.
Click on the links below to learn a great deal of detail about the City's Comprehensive Plan and Update Process:
Des Moines 2035 Comprehensive Plan
Current Land Use Map
What is the Comprehensive Plan?