City Manager Recruitment 2024

Welcome to the City of Des Moines' City Manager Recruitment Finalists page!

Here, you can learn more about the finalists vying to become our next City Manager. Each candidate brings a unique set of skills and experiences to the table, and we want to ensure you have all the information you need to provide thoughtful feedback.

On this page, you'll find profiles of the finalists, including their backgrounds and achievements. We encourage you to review these profiles carefully and consider how each candidate's strengths align with our city's goals and values.

Your input is invaluable in this process. After reviewing the candidates, please take a moment to complete the comment card (below) to share your thoughts and preferences. Your feedback will play a crucial role in helping the City Council make an informed decision. Comment cards will be due by 5pm on Monday, September 2, 2024 for City Council.

Thank you for being an active participant in shaping the future of our city!

City Manager Recruitment Recap

We want to provide you with a brief update on our City Manager recruitment process. We have made significant progress but have not yet selected a candidate.

Our search began with a comprehensive outreach effort, attracting a diverse range of applicants. The City Council is currently deep into the review, carefully evaluating each candidate’s qualifications and fit for our city’s needs.

We value transparency and community involvement. Your input through public forums has been instrumental in our process.

For a detailed look at the recruitment steps, please read the attached document. We will continue to keep you informed as we move forward and appreciate your ongoing patience and engagement.


Thank you for your support.


City Manager Recruitment Process Recap.pdf


Additional Documents:

Community Meet Greet - CM.pdf

City Manager 2024 Job Description.pdf

Des Moines City Manager Recruitment Flyer.pdf

City Manager Finalists Comment Card

Here’s a quick guide for filling out the comment card for the City Manager finalists:

1. Review the Candidates: Attend the Community Meet & Greet at Beach Park Auditorium on Tuesday, August 27th at 6:30 PM.
2. Choose Your Top Pick: Select the candidate you believe would be the best fit for Des Moines.
3. Share Your Thoughts: Use the space provided to give feedback on each candidate.
4. Submit Your Form: When you’re done, please click the submit button.

Thanks so much for your input!



My impression is that ________________ would be a good fit as City Manager for Des Moines.

 Katherine Caffrey

 Daniel Eernissee

 Michael Eklund-Grayum

Shannon Kelley-Fong

Additional Comments:


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